Press Release, June 1996

logo© The Emerging Markets Companion (EMC) is The Financial Source for the Global Investor™

EMC web based service is launched to fill the financial and econometric information gap that exists when making sound investment decisions pertaining to the Emerging Markets by the global investor.  The service will service investment professionals, individuals, academics and news media.

Read more: Press Release, June 1996

EMC Principals

The Emerging Markets Companion was founded and launched by Paul Cilia and Chris Saxman in 1996.

Brief bios:

Paul Cilia

served as chief Emerging Markets financial engineer for Credit Suisse First Boston for five years, where he designed and developed the technological infrastructure and analytical systems as solutions for traders, investment bankers and clients.

Chris Saxman

served as the head trader of Mexican Peso-denominated debt at the Weston Group from 1993 to 1995, when he joined Euro Brokers Maxcor, Inc. to help that firm establish a presence in the Mexican local debt markets.
